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I was at home when I heard the gambler had taken the last train out of town
It was a one way ticket all alone
I’d heard he’d gone to find the ladies in his life?
But, you can’t find love when you are feeling down
He’d woke up with believe and the tingling of morning desires
The crazy situation that lifts you through the hours
He had told his old friends of how he couldn’t unlove you
So, he thought he’d drop in? I wonder if you knew?
He always told the story of how he’d loved you through the years
And how the love story was real or something like it he feels
It was twenty years ago you took your love out of town
He felt that he didn’t need you at that point in his life
Life took over his emotions and never was the same, his love had been drained and deprived
He said how he’d always loved you and you were all he ever need and, how you decorated his life
Well, this time the vows will go unbroken and he wants you as his heavenly wife
As he reached the fall in his life and the fall of the year
He’s facing up to one of his greatest fears that he will find you waiting at the end of the queue
He never wants to spend another Christmas without you…

Ladies he knew how to hold you
Situations he knew how to fold you
He never was a coward in his life
So, please one day when you have time Lucille and Ruby please join him in the jet stream in the sky…

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