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George Formby

Born in a town known for piers, pies and mintballs
Yes! Wigan is not known for the ukulele at all
He played a jockey by the shortest head in his first film
But, started entertaining at Earlestown Hippodrome
There he flopped and they just sent him home
There were lots of periods on and off the dole
I’m sure without his Auntie Maggie’s remedy this would of really taken its toll?
One day he appeared on the same bill as a girl named Beryl
Treated all around him like hell
But, he thought he was in heaven?
Well, she must of been sent
She turned him all around
Within a short time he was the talk of all the towns
No longer did he lean on lamp posts and imagine himself on the Marginot line
He was now paid handsomely to have a happy go lucky time
There were the barmaids at The Rose & Crown
And Bless all those Fanlight Fanny’s
This little John Willie was as happy as Larry
Some days he would just sit on ice until he was numb
Then, off to Blackpool to promenade in the sun
During WW2 he entertained with ENSA
The troops loved to watch him and the sergeant Major never had his say
All his life he thought Women didn’t like him at all
But, 7 weeks after Beryl passed away he was engaged to another gal
It’s very true to say
No one else could play the ukulele that way
In his lifetime he had 200 songs recorded and record film deals
There is even a statue on The Isle of Man for riding on two wheels
Can you believe his lyrics were once banned about cleaning windows?
Yet! He went on to influence Charlie Drake, Norman Wisdom and even The Beatles
Let’s hope he is “ as free as a bird” handing out sweets to all the Angel flock?
I bet if he is, it will be little sticks of Blackpool rock?…
R.I.P George Hoy Booth- George Formby

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