It’s one of those days
It’s one of those days when you want to stay in your bed…
It’s one of those days full of anger and dread…
It’s one of those days where you feel you would rather be dead…
It’s one of those days that you don’t care if you are fed…
It’s one of those days when you look ever so pale…
It’s one of those days you don’t care if you fail…
It’s one of those days when the pills look so nice…
It’s one of those days to over indulge in chosen vice…
It’s one of those days that you don’t want to leave…
It’s one of those days you are in too much pain to relieve…
It’s one of those days when the tear drops dry up…
It’s one of those days when you feel down on your luck…
It’s one of those days you can turn it around…
It’s one of those new energy can be found…
It’s one of those days to wake up and smile…
It’s one of those days to push yourself the extra mile…
It’s one of those days to dress up, show up and show them you fit in…
It’s one of those days to show them you are going to win…