Bredbury town
Escalators outside that kept us all cold
Stolen from Ivor was just our clothes
Houses sinking, orange juice afloat
Sailing right passed down the river goyt
Fighting across town on the camels hump
Staggering out of the hall when you were drunk
Barnabas praying at the side of the road
Roman roads and lakes and tales I was told
Fishing down at Etherow country park
Stealing pears from the mill when it was dark
Black and white farms and Billy the bull
Church the butcher and his annual cull
Blacks chippy that was really Chinese
Collecting conkers from Vernons autumn trees
Climbing up New Zealand to see 10cc and Strawberry studios
‘ Egging’ at Woodbank and being attacked by the crows
Doric, lyndhurst and Kingsway as well
Working on Ashton road and the sewerage work smell
Hatworks, paintworks, steelworkers and all those trains
Attending College to learn a trade
Shakespeare road is such a big estate
Perhaps, someone, somewhere made a mistake?
Trout streams full of prams and beds
Flora and fauna that’s now extinct and dead
Arden park, St. Marks and barrack hill schools
Skipping lessons and breaking those rules
Mike Yarwood imitations that made us all laugh
Will Mellor the actor and amateur pop star
These are just some of the memories from my home town
Thoughts that come back to me when I’m around
I’m sure there will be many more memories to come
I’ve just got to keep writing and keeping it fun… X